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“We don't see things as they are, we see things as we are.”​
~ Anonymous

Sessions via Video Conferencing

Contact me Here:



(646) 801-2799

Let's get to doing truly


healing work together.





I am Vanessa Hannah Bright.

I am a Consciousness Catalyst.


The healing work I do is about helping you gain clarity in your spiritual development, combined with the most focused, personalized practices in order to achieve real growth and healing.


I work with people who want to go deeper with their spiritual growth and who want to confront and overcome every internal blockage they have as they prepare for Ascension (or any other term you like, such as Enlightenment, Awakening, etc.)


I have a deep awareness of how trauma and karmic issues block us from living our purpose and my work is designed to uncover and release them so that you can

consciously create your authentic life.


I use my many years of experience and training (in MANY areas!) to bring you through to truly releasing what weighs you down so that you can be your most authentic expression of who you are.


What you get in sessions with me:


  • Deepen your spiritual understanding of your life and the purpose of your struggles - intuitive guidance

  • Pinpoint your core unconscious issues and trapped emotions

  • Learn how to use your unconscious patterns for genuine growth and change, so that you can alchemize them into a new version of yourself

  • Use dream work to access the unconscious and deepen shadow work

  • Shamanic Journeying to connect to your guides and receive guidance

  • Release ingrained emotional patterns using essential oils and plant allies

  • Receive focused journaling prompts to take your inner work to a deeper level

  • Work with Archetypes & Guidance in session to reach even deeper

  • Receive personalized practices to enhance your inner work between sessions


I worked as a therapist for over a decade before realizing that healing and transformation does not happen through talking about your "stuff" for years (though I do know the deep value of talking through things, as well as having a caring witness).


Truly transformational healing happens in a safe space with 2 factors:


  1. Pinpointing your unconscious issues and limiting beliefs

  2. Taking empowered action in your daily life to consciously change them and rewire your system.


Your work with me encompasses both. I can help you uncover and rework what stands in your way to expressing who you are and what your purpose is in this Life. ​


I offer the following services:



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Sessions via Video Conferencing

Contact me Here:



(646) 801-2799

FOR EMPOWERED healing and living your purpose

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Page Updated 12/18/24


Ready to Schedule Your Consultation?

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(C) Vanessa Hannah Bright, 2016-2024

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